Lacasa Cheese Products filling and capping line

The machine automatically fills and caps four different sized tubs with three different sized lids with minimal line set up time in between the different products. This machine was designed, manufactured, developed and commissioned by Brook Engineering for a cheese making company. The line accommodates three types of Bocconcini containers and one Ricotta container. The container sizes vary significantly from smallest at 220g to largest at 1kg. Tubs with Bocconcini are manually loaded with the cheese already in the tubs, the machine fills the tubs with water, then places a lid on the tub, presses the lid down and puts a use by date on. Ricotta tubs are automatically loaded on the line and automatically filled with cheese rather than water. The machine is PLC controlled, uses pneumatic actuators, and is constructed to withstand the harsh chemical washdown environment, low temperature and humid conditions.


Tube bender